15 A 19 DE JUNHO DE 2020
1- Traduza a frase da semana: " The deeper the truth in a creative work, the longer it will live."
Charles Chaplin.
2- Registro da aula assistida no aplicativo CENTRO DE MÍDIAS SP:
Registrar no seu caderno de inglês a aula assistida(um resumo com as coisas mais importantes que você entendeu) pelo CENTRO DE MÍDIAS SP, coloque:
A. Data da aula.
B. Tema e anotações da aula.
C. Qual foi recurso utilizado para assistir a aula? (aplicativo, televisão, Facebook ou Youtube).
3- Read the text below. Then write in your notebook what people and/or the fashion industry must do to be ethically fashionable. The prompts in the box below may help you to complete sentences from
a) to g).
Ethical fashion is an umbrella term to describe ethical fashion design, production, retail and purchasing. It covers a range of issues such as working conditions, exploitation, fair trade, sustainable production, the environment, and the animal welfare […]
Ethical fashion aims to address the problems it sees with the way the fashion industry currently operates, such as exploitative labour, environmental damage, the use of hazardous chemicals, waste and animal cruelty.
-Serious concerns are often raised about exploitative working conditions in the factories that make cheap clothes for the high street.
-Child workers, alongside exploited adults, can be subjected to violence and abused such as forced overtime, as well as cramped and unhygienic surroundings, bad food, and very poor pay.[…]
-Cotton provides much of the world’s fabric, but growing it uses 22.5% of the world’s insecticides and 10% of the world’s pesticides. […]
-Current textile growing practices are considered and unsustainable because of the damage they do the immediate environment. […]
-The low costs and disposable nature of high street fashion means that much of it is destined for the incinerators or landfill sites. […]
-Many animals are farmed to Supply fur for the fashion industry, and many people feel that their welfare is an important part of the ethical fashion debate. […]
be incinerated , have good food and good pay , offer good working conditions , use insecticides , farm animals to Supply fur for the fashion industry , recycle hight street fashion , exploit children , be sustainable/damage the immediate environment |
a) Factories
b) Factory workers
c) Cotton farmers
d) Current textile
e) People
f) High street fashion
g) People
4- Pesquise e responda. O que você entende das palavras abaixo, e quando usar uma e/ou outra?
waste ->
e-waste ->
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