Food and Milk
Text 1:
NBC Los Angeles news team decided to some checking around at local farmer's markets
and visited the farms where the vendors claimed they grew the food they were selling. In some
cases, they found dry, empty fields. The vendors were selling vegetables and fruit at premium
prices, saying the products were local and organic.
Text 2:
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) pledges urgent investigations that a British dairy,
farmer was sellin milk from a cloned animal. Food safety officials are to investigate a claim
that milk from the offspring of a cloned cow was on sale for public consumption.
a) Which sentence describes the problem presented in text 1 ?
( ) Some vendors were not selling local and organic vegetables and fruit.
( ) Some vendors were not selling vegetables an fruit at a good price.
b) According to text 2, what is the sentence below about?
" A British dairy farmer was selling milk from a cloned cow".
( ) a suspicion
( ) a conclusion
( ) a consequence
c) The experiences described in the texts above happened:
( ) in the past
( ) in the present
( ) in the future.
Favor lerem os 2 textos, fazerem a tradução para poder responder as 3 questões acima,
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