Profª Verônica - Inglês - 9A - We’ve got the power!

Profª Verônica
Matéria: Inglês
Turma: 9A
Entrega: até 20/07
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We’ve got the power!

Habilidade: (EF09LI10), (EF09LI18)
(EF09LI10) Propor potenciais argumentos para expor e defender ponto de vista em texto escrito, refletindo sobre o tema proposto e pesquisando dados, evidências e exemplos para sustentar os argumentos, organizando-os em sequência lógica.
(EF09LI18) Analisar a importância da língua inglesa para o desenvolvimento das ciências (produção, divulgação e discussão de novos conhecimentos), da economia e da política no cenário mundial.Caderno do aluno, p. 39 Activity 3 (adaptada)

1) Choose the alternative that can help to answer the questions:
(relacione as alternativas a,b e c com 1, 2 e 3 - perguntas e respostas)
a. What are the sources of electric energy?
b. To what other forms of energy can electricity be converted?
c. Is electricity a renewable source of energy?

1. (  ) It depends on the resource that creates it.
2. (  ) Mechanical energy or heat.
3. (  ) Coal, natural gas, nuclear energy, solar energy and wind energy.

2) What sentences above:
(relacione as alternativas a, b e c com 1, 2 e 3 - objetivo da frase)
a. Gives examples.
b. Explaining the reason a concept cannot be used.
c. Gives alternatives.
1. (  ) Coal, natural gas, nuclear energy, solar energy and wind energy are sources of electric energy.
2. (  ) Electricity can be converted into mechanical energy or heat.
3. (  )  Electric is neither a renewable os nonrenewable souce of energy, because it depends on the resource that creates it.

3) Research using books or the internet, and complete the chart poiting the main sources of electric energy in each country (United States, Japan, Brazil, Canada, China, Mexico, Spain, England, Russia).
(pesquise a fonte principal de energia de cada país citado acima e, depois, escreva a frase abaixo para cada um deles com suas respectivas fontes de energia)
Follow the model (exemplo): In the United States the main source of electric energy generation is natural gas.
Japan: ______________________
Brasil: ______________________
Canada: ______________________
China: ______________________
Mexico: ______________________
Spain: ______________________
England: ______________________
Russia: ______________________

4) Traduza o texto abaixo.

Renewable energy is one that comes from natural resources that are naturally replenished, such as sun, wind, rain, tide and geothermal energy. It is important to note that not all natural resources are renewable, for example, uranium, coal and petroleum are removed from nature, but they exist in limited quantities. In 2008, about 19% of world energy consumption came from renewable sources, with 13% coming from traditional biomass, which is used primarily for heating, and 3.2% from hydroelectricity. New renewable energies (small hydropower, biomass, wind, solar, geothermal and biofuels) accounted for another 2.7% and this percentage is growing very rapidly. The proportion of renewable energy in electricity generation is around 18%, with 15% Of global electricity from hydroelectric plants and 3% of new renewable energy.The sun's energy is converted in many ways into known formats, such as biomass (photosynthesis), hydroelectric power (evaporation), wind (wind) and photovoltaic energy, which contain an immense amount of energy and are able to regenerate By natural means.
5) Traduza as palavras (dentro do contexto da aula):
Penstock: ____________________________
Blades: ____________________________
Turbine: ____________________________
Hydroelectric power plant: ____________________________
Dam: ____________________________
Pipe: ____________________________
Nuclear power plant: ____________________________
