Profª Valeria - Inglês - Comprehension - 7A/7B/7C

Queridos alunos!

Parabéns a todos que realizaram as atividades mesmo com todas as dificuldades! Muito obrigada!

Nossas atividades do 3º bimestre começam com uma compreensão de texto. 

Dúvidas e devolução da atividade para

Entrega: até 13/08/2020

Bons estudos!



JULIE: Look, dad! Those monkeys in that tree!

              How funny they are.

DAD: They look like people!

JULIE: Can I give these bananas to that one?   The black one?

              He is hungry.  Look, he is crying!

              He wants these bananas!

DAD: You can give the bananas, Julie.

          (And Julie gives the bananas to the black monkey)

JULIE: Now he is very happy. He is making grimaces. He is very funny!



At the – no

The – o, a, os, as

Look – olhe, veja

Those – aqueles

In that – naquela

How – como

Funny – engraçados

Look like – parecem

Can – poder

Give – dar

These – estes, estas

That one – aquele

The black one – preto

Hungry – com fome

Crying – chorando

Wants – quer

And – e

Gives – dá

Now – agora

Very – muito

Making – fazendo

Grimaces – caretas





Choose the correct alternative. ( Escolha a alternative correta)


1) Where is Julie?

(    ) Julie is at school.

(    ) Julie is at the zoo.

2) Where are the monkeys?

(    ) The monkeys are in the car.

(    ) The monkeys are in the tree.

3) The monkeys are:

(    ) Monkeys are funny animals.

(    ) Monkeys are domestic animals.

4) The monkeys look like:

(    ) Dogs

(    ) People

5) Julie wants to give:

(    ) oranges to the black monkey.

(    ) bananas to the black monkey.

6) What is the favorite fruit of the monkey?

The favorite fruit is __________________.

7) The monkeys make:

(    ) toys

(    ) grimaces

8) What color is the monkey in the text?

The monkey in the text is______________.

9) The monkey in the text is:

(    ) big, unhappy

(    ) black, funny, hungry, happy

10) The title of the text is___________________.


