Professor: Jean
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Série: 9° B C D E
Data de entrega: 10/12/2020
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São Paulo, 03 de Dezembro de 2020.
EF09LI10 - Propor argumentos críticos e reflexivos para expor e defender ponto de vista em texto escrito sobre o tema proposto e pesquisando dados, evidências e exemplos para sustentar os argumentos, organizando-os em sequência lógica, com auxílio do professor..
Aula Centro de Mídias SP:
17/11 - 9º ano EF - Inglês - How would you sell a product.
Connectors in English
Direction & Place
- Here
- There
- Over there
- Beyond
- Under
- To the left
- In the distance
- Opposite
- Especially
- Also
- In particular
- Furthermore
- In addition
- Indeed
- Of course
- Certainly
- Above all
- Specifically
- Significantly
- Notably
Time & Sequence
- Later
- After
- Before
- Then
- Next
- Soon
- Finally
- First, second…
- As …as
- As if
- Equally
- Similarly
- Like
- In the same way
- Comparable
- In like manner
- Alternatively
- Unless
- Despite this
- By the way
- But
- However
- On the other hand
- Otherwise
- Unlike
- Conversely
- At the same time
- In spite of
- Whereas
- While
- Yet
- Apart from
- Such as
- In this case
- For one thing
- For instance
- For example
- In the case of
- Illustared by
- As an example
- An instance
- In other words
Cause and Effect
- Therefore
- So
- Because
- Thus
- Hence
- Due to
- As a result
- Consequently
- For
- As well as
- Further
- Furthermore
- and then
- And
- Too
- Furthermore
- Also
- In addition to
- Not only – but also
- Or
Activity (Atividade)
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