Profª Verônica - Inglês - 1B, 1F, 1G, 1H, 1I - Our perception of beauty ( Centro de mídias, caderno do aluno)

 Profª Verônica

Matéria: Inglês

Turma: 1B, 1F, 1G, 1H, 1I

Entrega: 1 semana


Dúvidas e perguntas por e-mail ou através do Centro de Mídias

Habilidades: [EM13LGG102] Analisar visões de mundo, conflitos de interesse, preconceitos e ideologias presentes nos discursos veiculados nas diferentes mídias, ampliando suas possibilidades de explicação, interpretação e intervenção crítica da/na realidade.

Caderno do aluno: currículo em ação, V. 1, Pgs. 92 a 94.

Olá aluno.
Não deixe de acompanhar as aulas do Centro de mídias e tirar dúvidas comigio!
A atividade abaixo é retirada da apostila e baseada no currículo. Pode fazer na apostila e me enviar fotos ou, se preferir, copiar a postagem e fazer no word para me enviar.
Nunca deixe de ler as postagens!
Não deixe de utilizar dicionários e o tradutor para lhe auxiliar. Faça anotações e estude. Este hábito faz toda a diferença!

Let`s go!


a) Look at the three models and use the chart to point the clothes each one of them is wearing.
Write inside the parenthesis the number of the model wearing each type of clothing. Using a
dictionary, look for the words you don’t know.

TOP ( ) Shirt ( ) T-shirt ( ) Jacket ( ) Blouse ( ) Sleeveless shirt
( ) Coat ( ) Scarf ( ) Dress
WAIST & LEGS ( ) Pants ( ) Skirt ( ) Dress ( ) Overall ( ) Shorts ( ) Pantyhose
FEET ( ) Shoes ( ) Boots ( ) Sandals ( ) Sneakers ( ) Slippers
( ) Tennis ( ) Socks ( ) High heels
ACCESSORIES ( ) Belt ( ) Glasses ( ) Sunglasses ( ) Necklace ( ) Earrings
( ) Wristband ( ) Watch ( ) Ring

- Agora traduza as palavras acima. Use o dicionário ou tradutor.

 b) In groups, describe what your friends are wearing. Use the words from the previous activity and
the frame below. (adapte esta atividade para as pessoas de sua convivência):

Paola is wearing a blouse, pants, sneakers, and earrings.
Roberto is wearing a sleeveless shirt, shorts, socks and sneakers.


a) Look at the following pictures and, on your notebooks, answer the questions.

1. Who are the people in the pictures?
2. What are they doing?
3. Where do you see pictures like this?
4. Why do you think these pictures were taken?
5. Would you say the people in the pictures are in fashion? Why?
6. Do you consider yourself in fashion? Why?

b) Read the text and circle the words you don’t know.

Throughout history, fashion has greatly influenced the “fabric” of societies all over the world. What
people wear often characterizes who they are and what they do for a living. As Mark Twain once
wrote, “Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.”
The fashion industry is a global industry, where fashion designers, manufacturers, merchandisers,
and retailers from all over the world collaborate to design, manufacture, and sell clothing, shoes, and
accessories. The industry is characterized by short product life cycles, erratic consumer demand,
an abundance of product variety, and complex supply chains.

Source: Accessed on October 2, 2020.

c) Search in a dictionary for the words you circled in the text.

d) Answer the questions on your notebook.
1. What is fashion to you?
2. Do you agree to Mark Twain’s quote present in the text? Why?
3. Who dictates fashion?

e) Complete the visual organizer with words you can relate to “fashion”.

f) Search in magazines, newspapers or on the internet for a famous person you consider to be in
fashion. Glue on your notebook a picture of the person you chose, and explain why you chose
him, or her. Use the frame below as an example to present your ideas.

The person I consider in fashion is _______________________.
He/ She is a/ an _______________________.
He/ She usually appears in/ on the _______________________.
I think he/ she is in fashion because _______________________.
He/ She usually wears _______________________.
