Profª Verônica
Matéria: INGLÊS
Turma: 1BFGHI
Entrega: 1 semana
Dúvidas e perguntas por e-mail ou através do Centro de Mídias
b) Use the words from the word cloud to complete the sentences. Follow the example:
1. I think the media affects the way we perceive beauty.
2. I think the _________________________ makes someone beautiful.
3. The __________________ of a person is more important than ____________________.
4. The ____________________ influences the way we perceive beauty.
5. The ____________________ is related to the way people perceive beauty, because it has
different aspects depending on the place you live.
Matéria: INGLÊS
Turma: 1BFGHI
Entrega: 1 semana
Dúvidas e perguntas por e-mail ou através do Centro de Mídias
Habilidade: (EM13LGG103) Analisar o funcionamento das linguagens, para interpretar e produzir criticamente discursos em textos de diversas semioses (visuais, verbais, sonoras, gestuais).
Caderno do aluno: Currículo em ação, volume 1, Pgs. 89 e 90.
Olá pessoal, hoje vamos continuar a atividade da semana passada.
Leia a postagem, ela pode conter alterações.
Faça a lição na apostila ou em Word e envie para meu e-mail.
Não deixe de usar o dicionário/tradutor.
Antes de começar, faça uma breve pesquisa de vocabulário e escreva palavras relacionadas a características das pessoas.
Agora responda:
a) Look at the word cloud below and circle the words that, in your opinion, represent things that
influence your perception of beauty.
c) Social networks and apps make many filters in a way people seem to pursue an unreal beauty.
Do a search on these apps and present comparative pictures showing your argument.
Look at the example:
d) Present your pictures. You can use the following frame to guide you during this activity:
As you can see in this picture, people pursue an ________________________of beauty.
Many apps make filters, so people look _______________________________________.
Apps like ______________________________________________________________.
It is a common __________________________________________________________.
I think people use these filters because ______________________________________.
This is __________________________________ because_______________________.
a) As you have studied, people’s perception of beauty can be influenced by many outside factors.
Talk to your friends and family about your perception of beauty and the way media influences it.
Take a photo shoot focusing on the natural beauty around you.
b) Present your photo shoot. You can use the frame below to help you do this activity.
Our objective here was to _________________________________________________.
We think beauty is present ________________________________________________.
People should _________________________________________________________.
The perception of beauty is _______________________________________________.
That’s why we should ____________________________________________________.
Para finalizar, diga o que você achou sobre o assunto e o que você aprendeu.
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