Profª Verônica
Matéria: Inglês
Turma: 1B, 1F, 1G, 1H, 1I
Entrega: 1 semana
Dúvidas e perguntas por e-mail ou através do Centro de Mídias
Habilidades: [EM13LGG102] Analisar visões de mundo, conflitos de interesse, preconceitos e ideologias presentes nos discursos veiculados nas diferentes mídias, ampliando suas possibilidades de explicação, interpretação e intervenção crítica da/na realidade.
Caderno do aluno: currículo em ação, V. 1, Pgs. 94 a 97.
Matéria: Inglês
Turma: 1B, 1F, 1G, 1H, 1I
Entrega: 1 semana
Dúvidas e perguntas por e-mail ou através do Centro de Mídias
Habilidades: [EM13LGG102] Analisar visões de mundo, conflitos de interesse, preconceitos e ideologias presentes nos discursos veiculados nas diferentes mídias, ampliando suas possibilidades de explicação, interpretação e intervenção crítica da/na realidade.
Caderno do aluno: currículo em ação, V. 1, Pgs. 94 a 97.
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a) As you could see in Activity 3b, “what people wear often characterizes who they are and what
they do”. Analyze the pictures below, and relate them (using the picture numbers) to the following subjects, according to the reason you think they chose to dress.
Religious purposes: ______________ Professional uniform: ______________
Music and/ or lifestyle: ______________ Formal and professional situations: ___________
Cultural and traditional aspects: ______________ Movies, cartoons and animations: ____________
Physical activities and sports: ______________ Fashion trends: _______________
b) Compare your answers with a friend and answer the questions:
1. Which pictures did you relate differently? __________________________________________
2. About the pictures you related differently, explain why you related those pictures to the
c) Complete the chart.
How do you choose what to wear?
( ) I consider the activity I am going to do.
( ) I consider the weather.
( ) I choose the first thing I see in my wardrobe.
Other(s): _______________________________
What influences the way you dress?
( ) My religion.
( ) My music preferences.
( ) My culture.
( ) My favorite artists.
( ) The fashion trends.
Other(s): _______________________________
Do you think the media affects the way people dress?
( ) No, I don’t.
( ) Yes, I do.
( ) Sometimes.
Other(s): _______________________________
d) Now, present your chart using the frame as an example:
When I choose what to wear, I consider the activity I am going to do.
The fashion trends influence the way I dress, and I think the media affects the way people dress
e) Change answers with your friends and use your friend’s answers to make sentences like the example. Be careful to make the proper modifications about the pronoun and the verbs.
Juliana chooses what to wear in the morning considering the activity she is going to do.
Her music preferences influence the way she dresses.
She doesn’t think the media influences the way people dress.
a) As you have seen, the way people dress is influenced by many personal and cultural aspects.
The way we choose to dress says much about who we are and must be respected in every
way. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen. Read the following messages and answer the
questions on your notebook.
1. Where do you usually see this type of text and media?
2. Considering the things Beth shares, do you think she is a person who respects other peo-
ple’s culture, interests and personality? Why?
3. Do you think Beth has a positive attitude?
4. Have you ever felt disrespected by someone because of the way you like to dress? If you
did, how did you feel? Write a paragraph telling this experience.
b) Social networks can be used to share with friends and family all the nice things people do, but
also to spread hateful and prejudiced comments about others. Research and find some media
you consider prejudiced to any cultural, physical or personal aspect.
c) Share your findings with your friends. You can use the frame below to help you present your
I found a prejudiced ___________________ about _____________________.
I think this person is being prejudiced because ____________________.
In my opinion, this person should _____________________ because ____________________
d) Now, it is time to put into practice everything you have learned. Make a campaign
with the objective of raising respect among students. You can use charts, pictures, pamphlets
or any other media.
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