Profª Verônica - Inglês - 1B, 1F, 1G, 1H, 1I - What's your favorite music style? (CMSP, Caderno do aluno)
Profª Verônica
Matéria: Inglês
Turma: 1BFGHI
Entrega: 1 semana
Dúvidas e perguntas por e-mail ou através do Centro de Mídias
Enviar atividades através de: Foto de apostila; Foto de caderno; Com conteúdo copiado da postagem e respondida no Editor de texto (Word) - DESDE QUE ESTEJA LEGÍVEL E DEFINIDO.
Habilidades: [EM13LGG103] Analisar o funcionamento das linguagens, para interpretar e produzir criticamente discursos em textos de diversas semioses (visuais, verbais, sonoras, gestuais); [EM13LGG502] Analisar criticamente preconceitos, estereótipos e relações de poder presentes nas práticas corporais, adotando posicionamento contrário a qualquer manifestação de injustiça e desrespeito a direitos humanos e valores democráticos.
a) Fill up the first and the second columns of the KWL chart about music.
KWL Chart – Music
What I know
What I want to know
What I have learned
a) Do you like listening to music? Circle in the chart below the music styles you like the most.
Rock and Roll
Punk rock
Electronic dance music
Brazilian Funk
Others _______________
b) Use the music styles from the last activity and write sentences talking about the music styles
you and your friends like. You can also listen to each other’s favorite music. Follow the example:
I like listening to pop and electronic dance music.
Bruno likes listening to country and samba music.
1. _____________________________________________________________________________.
2. _____________________________________________________________________________.
3. _____________________________________________________________________________.
c) Use the words from the bubbles and write sentences on your notebook talking about music.
You can also add other words you know to implement your sentences. Follow the example:
1. She likes listening to dance music.
d) Share and compare with a friend the sentences you wrote during the last activity. Write on your
notebook the different ones.
a) Artists and music styles can influence the way people live, express and dress. Look at the im-
ages below and write under them the music style you think they like.
b) Interview a person asking him, or her, the questions below. Write his/her answers on
your notebook, after that, share it using the frame as an example.
1. What is your favorite music style?
3. What type of music is always in your playlist?
2. Is there any specific type of clothing your favorite musicians wear?
3. Is there any clothing style you like the most?
4. Is anything you like to wear influenced by a musician or a band? Which one?
Roberta’s favorite music style is ____________. Her favorite musicians usually wear ____________.
The clothing style she likes the most is ____________. Her clothing style is inspired by ___________.
c) As you have seen in the last activity, according to the way someone dresses, we can learn a lot
about who they are and what they like, as well as their music preferences. Search and find out
musicians whose clothes and style have influenced their fans. Use the frames below to present
your search and bring pictures to illustrate it.
The musician I chose is called _______________________.
His/her music style is _______________________.
Visually he/she influenced their fans because of the ________________________ he wears.
He/she also wears accessories like __________________________.
His/her fans usually are ___________________________.
a) Read the text below and circle the words you don’t know.
Music is an art form expressed by the sound. To make music, musicians use their bodies to play
instruments and their own voices to generate melodies, rhythms and different sounds. In order to
sing, the singer depends on many parts of his/her body such as the lungs, the chest, the larynx, the
tongue, the lips and the vocal cords. Also, to play an instrument, like a guitar, the musician needs to
use many muscles of his/her body in order to play the right notes at the right time. In other words,
to make music is to use the body to create sound. It is an expression of the body, mind and soul
through sound.
Text produced by the authors specially for this material.
b) Using a dictionary, look up the words you circled and write their meaning on your notebook.
c) Answer the following questions according to the text on your notebooks.
1. What is music?
2. Which body parts does a person need in order to sing?
3. What is needed to play an instrument?
4. “It is an expression of the body, mind and soul through sound”. In this final quote, what does
“it” refer to?
d) Get together and share your understanding about the text. Use the balloons below to guide
your conversation.
a) As you have seen so far, music is a way of expression and communication. Musicians touch
many people in different ways through their songs. The lyrics are a direct communication
channel between musicians and listeners. Complete the chart below with songs you like and
use the words from the box (you can also use other words you know) to define what message
or feeling that song brings to you.
Happiness - Sadness - Hate - Reflection - Guidance - Calm -
Celebration - Individuality - Sensuality - Respect
Song, name and Defining word
b) Share your chart. You can use the frame below to help you do that.
One of the songs I chose is called _________, it’s a song of the singer _________.
The defining word I chose for this song is _________.
c) Music is something very personal, and influences the way people express themselves, for that
reason it is something that must always be respected. Can you guess each state's most
popular music style? Search, find out and then answer the questions on your notebook.
1. What is the most popular music style in Bahia?
2. What is the most popular music style in Pará?
3. What is the most popular music style in Rio de Janeiro?
4. What is the most popular music style in Rio Grande do Sul?
5. What is the most popular music style in Mato Grosso do Sul?
a) Music preferences and styles have a history of being motive of prejudice and violent behavior.
Search on the music movements and find those that were motive of prejudice.
b) Present your search to your friends. You can use the frame below as an example:
The music movement/style I chose is ____________________.
This movement started in ____________________.
People from this movement were prejudiced for ____________________.
I think that’s sad because ____________________.
People should _____________________.
c) Now it is time to put into practice everything you have learned. In groups, analyze your school and
community in order to find prejudices related to music preferences and the way people dress in
result of it. Make a campaign promoting respect for the way people express themselves and their
music preferences. You can make posters, charts, PPT presentations, or any other media.
d) Set up with your teacher a date to present your campaign, a place at school where you can
promote it, or a social network.
e) Go back to the KWL chart in Moment 1 and fill out the third column.
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