Teacher Igor - English - 9ºC ( Simple Past )


                                           SIMPLE PAST 

O Simple Past , também chamado de Past Simple (passado simples), é um dos tempos verbais do inglês. Ele é equivalente ao passado simples na língua portuguesa.

Quando usar?

O Simple Past é usado para indicar ações passadas já concluídas, ou seja, para falar de fatos que já aconteceram; que começaram e terminaram no passado.

Expressões temporais usadas com o Simple Past

Para reforçar o uso do Simple Past, muitas expressões temporais são utilizadas nas frases.

Os exemplos mais usuais são: yesterday (ontem), the day before yesterday (anteontem), last night (ontem à noite), last year (ano passado), last month (mês passado), last week (semana passada), ago (atrás), etc.

Veja algumas frases no Simple Past com as expressões acima:

We did not go to school yesterday. (Nós não fomos para a escola ontem.)

His birthday was the day before yesterday. (O aniversário dele foi anteontem.)

She studied Math last night. (Ela estudou matemática ontem à noite.)

I traveled1/ travelled to Brazil last year. (Eu viajei para o Brasil ano passado.)

They visited their uncle last month. (Eles visitaram o tio deles mês passado.)

I called you three days ago. (Eu telefonei para você três dias atrás.)

We learned how to dance samba last week. (Nós aprendemos a dançar samba semana passada.)

1 grafia americana; 2 grafia britânica

Formação do Simple Past

A formação básica do Simple Past é feita com o uso do auxiliar did nas formas negativa e interrogativa, e com o acréscimo de –ed, –ied ou –d ao final do verbo principal no infinitivo, sem o to, na forma afirmativa.

Observe as tabelas abaixo e confira exemplos de conjugação do Simple Past.

Exemplo: verbo to dance (dançar - regular)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I danced I did not dance Did I dance?

You danced You did not dance Did you dance?

He danced He did not dance Did he dance?

She danced She did not dance Did she dance?

It danced It did not dance Did it dance?

We danced We did not dance Did we dance?

You danced You did not dance Did you dance?

They danced They did not dance Did they dance?

Veja também: Simple Future

Exemplo: verbo to fly (voar - irregular)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I flew I did not fly Did I fly?

You flew You did not fly Did you fly?

He flew He did not fly Did he fly?

She flew She did not fly Did she fly?

It flew It did not fly Did it fly?

We flew We did not fly Did we fly?

You flew You did not fly Did you fly?

They flew They did not fly Did they fly?

Affirmative form (forma afirmativa)

Regular verbs (verbos regulares)

Para usar os verbos regulares em frases afirmativas no Simple Past, basta mudar a terminação do verbo de acordo com as seguintes regras:

1. Aos verbos regulares terminados em –e, acrescenta-se somente o –d no final do verbo:

to love (amar) – loved

to lie (mentir) – lied

to arrive (chegar) – arrived

to like (gostar) – liked

2. Aos verbos regulares terminados em consoante+vogal+consoante (CVC), duplica-se a última consoante e acrescenta-se o –ed:

stop (parar) – stopped

control (controlar) – controlled

plan (planejar) – planned

prefer (prefer) – preferred

3. Aos verbos terminados em –y precedido de consoante, retira-se o y e acrescenta-se o –ied:

to study (estudar) – studied

to worry (preocupar-se) – worried

to cry (chorar) – cried

to try (tentar) – tried

4. Aos verbos terminados em –y precedido de vogal, acrescenta-se somente o –ed:

enjoy (aproveitar) – enjoyed

stay (ficar) – stayed

play(brincar; jogar) – played


1) Complete as frases abaixo com a flexão de Simple Past correta do verbo entre parênteses. Fique atento à forma indicada (affirmative, negative ou interrogative).

1. I _____________ the house three times yesterday. (to clean - affirmative form)

2. She _____________ the windows because it was too hot in here. (to open - affirmative form)

3. The class _____________ at 8 a.m. (to begin – negative form)

4. He _____________ to be a doctor when he was a kid. (to want - affirmative form)

5. _____________ the accident _____________ last night? (to happen – interrogative form)

6. We _____________ at a nice place in LA. (to stay – affirmative form)

7. They _____________ the party. (to enjoy - negative form

8. My grandmother _____________ when I was eight. (to die - affirmative form)

9. He _____________ to work by bus. (to come – negative form)

10. Why _____________ you _____________ a cab to the airport? (to take – interrogative form)


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